Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/23/2006 (continued)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

05/23/2006 (continued)

In observing more closely of "where" we do exist... more so in examining how it is that the elusive concept of Utopia has played out thus far within our most recent attempt - I realize a possibility within that apparent "self stifling" result we exist within. Mayhaps it is that such was intended to some degree?

It is obvious that within the concepts put into motion in order to begin this more recent attempt, that one of the main proponents of that "seizing" action was very deliberate - that being the shift to recognize power from the "sovereign" to "commerce."

In considering it, while it is that one of those results seems to have been that stifling (at least in part), simultaneously such has acted to maintain a level of prosperity which has never been maintained before.

Further in observing the dynamic produced within the "power/copmmerce" marriage - it would seem that it acts as a fail safe of sorts in regard to that previously consistent pattern of "rise" and "fall" within prosperous societies. In effect it has created a recurring "cycle" of sorts - allowing, more so diffusing the potential "one" down fall and demise, into a disbursed ongoing series of "non-affiliated" parabolic "rises" and "falls" within the larger workings of that "third degree of civilization."

A social body, community if you will - economically of various examples of "young," middle aged and older "cycles." A closer look at recent history would show that we as a species, even within that, tend to lean toward things becoming too large. Such is where diversity is key, I believe. If for nothing more than to preserve that larger guard against social stagnation and demise.

As well, I believe it is important that the "sovereign" element continue to exist in the world as well, especially when considering that apparent duality of/in consistency.

In all other societies throughout history - most of the prosperity was dependent upon waring and conquering. As history has proved, there is only so much and so long such can exist and provide for said prosperity.

Another facet obviously within the concept of "power/commerce," is in utilizing such consistency in scaling it down and containing it so to speak, while also removing the horrific elements in the more civilized use of such competitive nature.

It could very well be the first perpetual social mechanism devised as well as implemented.

Unfortunately, within the dynamic "within it," has arisen yet another pattern rising presumably from the want of haste in obtaining wealth among other things - one of the elements of that more "ill" pattern is the preferred use of dispair and misery to encourage the faster outcome.

Sure, without some unhappiness, none would be happy much less know happiness. Such is a simple enough truth - but as well there can be no happiness where all exist within despair, and especially when they feel such is the only means to maintain the perceived prosperity. So in that is again an imbalance of even the most common "reality" dynamic of "one or the other." Anyone must admit though, that the concept itself is sheer brilliance in respect to maintaining a social health and level of unmatched opportunity and prosperity - when it is of course, used in its more positive capacities beyond that "quick score."

Of course there is, as I have addressed, the problem with the devaluation of "breeding tendencies" - and especially with the introduction and subsequent misdirection within "suffrage" for instance.

The idea of equality is much more that potential within the larger mechanism in a topical sense, as it were - Unfortunately, the proposed understanding of equality being likened to "everyone becoming amputees because there are people with no arms or legs," is a sad interpretation and implementation of that concept regarding equalities.

The idea when growing and harvesting fruit bounties, isn't in hacking down the tree to permit ground locked vermin early access to fruit yet ripened. There is plenty of opportunity within that larger mechanism for such "ill at odds" as the proposed vermin, to learn to prosper in the stead of the now readily common "harvesting tactics" nearing inefficient absurdity, to not be needed.

In my opinion, such tactics as the ill harvest methods are obviously counter productive to everyone - even those thinking the early access to un-ripened fruit through such destruction, is profitable.

With those elements coupled in with the guise of suffrage - which could and does hold great potential for said equality - seems to have devolved in the saturated use and automation of said dynamic - into nothing much more than said destruction and topical drama - even further continuing to remove the real options and capacity for independent equalities, from reach.

perhaps it is as with most all else within what could be called an ongoing success in regard to "Utopian Existence," that as inhabitants we further remove ourselves from the insights of such brilliant concepts - through that automated ease of living?

In our pleasurable existence and all of the subsequent distractions, too much has been forgotten to be remembered it would seem, resulting in ill designed usages of what would otherwise be needed aspects of that perpetual maintenance.


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